Wednesday, August 17, 2011

May Bloom

Once upon a time, I stood so tall
but now I often - well, sometimes
I fall, and wither to the ground.

I never used to be like this
all dried and twisted in my thoughts.

There were goals and rainbows
which never seemed to end….
but then, the colours of my life
began to bend - and twirl
….around the moon.

When I was just a boy
at the window, in my room
it all seemed so fun back then
until a shadow passed in gloom.

Did I ever mention
that I once stood so tall
I thought I had it all.

I used to think, if she -
would only hold my hand
wouldn’t life be grand.

I'm pretty sure
I'd be standing tall - then
like a flowered stalk
and her the sun.

Well, I'll just sit here for a while
perhaps I'll make a castle
and gather all my thoughts
in a court yard - where all my dreams
May bloom.


  1. The dreams of youthful love is every lasting for most of us. This is lovely. Thank you again.
