Wednesday, October 26, 2011

What He Had Lost

The following poem is four tweets, expanded and tossed together.
Two wounded souls
on battles broken fields of hearts
- he bends to his sorrows end
and bleeds mercy, as she departs.

Oh such darkness when it comes
surrounds his shivers in the cold of blight
that he cries when his angels gone
for who will take him home… to you
when you're gone, to bury sorrows mourn.

But in the light of her reflective day
she returns to peel away - troubled thoughts
revealing life, beneath his scars of bark
to find a man she knew was there….
who's been too afraid to move.

So she placed a hand upon his heart
and held him to her ground
when removed, it was then that he had found
- what he had lost.


  1. They are beautiful, I'm glad you shared them!

  2. So lovely. I love the inspiration behind this poem, too!
