Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Some Tweets & Treats - Part 2/3

I watched as he exploded.. mesmerized by the red mist driven from his crumbling shell. His lifeless form beautiful in heaven, gone from hell
She held her hand against my chest, and rested her cheek upon my heart. She was my soul, my pulse, my life. She was my love.
I need to think, to understand, to trust and to believe again. What value do these words hold, if the person in front has no value
I looked towards the sky at noon, and all I seen was blue. To look within my heart is yours, and to know that all is true.
I can feel her caress my skin, she quietly whispers, yet I cannot hear her voice. I listen - she is the wind.... My sail is full.
Words crash against my skull, like waves against a ship. The hull may buckle, but the mind will hold as the sea rushes back to distant shores
When the rain falls in my mind, can I dance between the drops, or drown while dancing for my life?
Everyone looks for answers; I think time is better spent looking for solutions.
As a youth swimming against the current of society was exciting. Now a ripple can present a challenge, but nothing is insurmountable
She cornered me/ she upset me/ she broke me/ she made me think/ I to have a heart
It hurts/ the emotions/ the jealousy/ the seduction/ The Love
When I kiss her/ I feel love/ her love/ we entwine/ we resonate
Tears ran down her cheeks, like a summer shower on a steamy afternoon. Then they were gone. She smiled, like a ray of sunshine
Her lips were divine, sweet and succulent - rich! Like heat rising from the jungle floor - mesmerising and primal
Soldiers at night/ knees bent/ cold steel/ plunging depths/ of fear
The bell rang/opened to my heart/she walked in/stayed awhile/then we part
Slipping into the shadows, partially exposed. Slender higher vertebrate, ready to dispose

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