Sunday, May 29, 2011

Rooted Deep

Image by Scott Wyden
My poem entry for One Shoot Sunday 29 May 2011, at One Stop Poetry
Rooted deep
on spindly legs, I stand
awash in a foreground
as daily currents change
- my surrounding land.
Perhaps I sat, a bit too still
and languished, in my....
melancholy thoughts.
what if it... were you
who stood -
between a bridge and gap
while arched views
drank you in.
Then, when you awoke
from your fruitless reverie
to find - that you've been pummeled
by a sea - now upon the land.
So now I sit, still rooted deep
in filtered clouded hues
no longer do I have an endless view
but in the wake, of all I've seen and see
The one constant in my days...
and life - is me - and you :-)


  1. nice...well you are left with a nice constant at least in the can thrash you a bit otherwise and it is nice to have those constants...

  2. "what if it... were you
    who stood -
    between a bridge and gap
    while arched views
    drank you in."

    The above stanza takes the personification to another level. A cityscape lamenting its loss of perspective—great idea for a challenge response.

  3. well written really like this thank you

  4. nice david - i esp. enjoyed the third stanza...
    what if it... were you
    who stood -
    between a bridge and gap
    while arched views
    drank you in.....very nice

  5. Very nice! I love that line"drank you in" :) cool

  6. Beautiful words for a beautiful photo. I was captured by the first line, and stood similarly rooted to the scene before my inner eye.

  7. It's difficult for me to comment on anything connected to this image, as the image itself has me hiss with distaste. Nothing but the sun in it beckons to me and the lack of nature has me wanting to gag. I wanted you to know that I did take the time to read, even with my revulsion at the image prompt.

  8. You piece had a wonderful flow... almost like a song.

  9. a soft and subtle sadness echoes in your words...with a small glimmer of hope to help keep you standing...

    lovely poem.
