Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Ever wonder

Did you ever wonder,
ever ask why,
ever just sit,
ever just cry.

That’s what I do.
Then always wonder why.

Ever wonder,
if its them, or her,
or you.

Never looking,
not really caring,
so we say.
It’s easier that way.

But deep and dark,
the bellows call,
sighing with the pain,
bouncing thoughts
off every wall
some even with distain.

Did you ever wonder
… just once

Did you
ever ask why,
ever just sit,
ever just….

That’s what I do.

I know longer ask why.

I just sit and cry…


  1. Awww this is wonderfully written though sad a notion, and I know the place, been there a few times over, perhaps will many more again. You should enter some of these poems of yours over at for OneShot Wednesday, wonderful writers there who would be as impressed as I upon your words. Excellent writing!

  2. aha looks like you made it! =D Glad to see your post on OneShot Wednesday!!! =D

  3. And sometime, it may be just sitting. Or crying.
    I'm really taken with this poem, perhaps because it's a set of common emotions or experiences. But it is well done, indeed it is.

  4. Oh, I recognize these times and how painful they write of it beautifully though it hurts to read.

  5. To be truthful, all of your comments have overwhelmed me a bit. I am but a simple man of simple means and words. I like to express myself; sometimes I do, and other times…well, I fail miserably. Regardless, I appreciate your kind words, and honest critiques are always welcome. Thank you all. Cheers, Dave

  6. And here I lived this long and thought it was just women who feel this way (and we are always told that it's hormones); you mean that other gender gets this sad, wonders what makes them feel so isolated, whether people still give a damn? That's comforting in a shared sadness kinda way. Thanks, Gay (@beachanny)

  7. I think we've all been there.

  8. The repetition brings out the emotion of the lines. Nice One Shot!

  9. I dig 'the bellows call' - I wonder how many people still know what a bellows is these days.

    Nice One Shot, David!

  10. very well written...very pulling at he give up asking why and just sit and cry..this is so sad...pete
